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Member Engagement & Preventive Care: The Top Reasons Payors Choose ToothLens

Smart Mobile Software Empowering Dental Insurance, Dental Plans and Health Plans

Mobile AI Dental Scans
Preventive Care
Increased Member Engagement

What is SmartCheck®?

SmartCheck is an AI technology from ToothLens® that empowers users to detect various dental conditions early on. It helps in reducing healthcare expenses and enhancing overall health outcomes by promoting proactive dental care.

How it works

ToothLens was born to make dental care more accessible. Inspired by the use of AI and computer vision in cutting-edge autonomous vehicles, we set out to explore how similar technologies could be applied to dentistry.

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Key Benefits

AI-Enhanced Member Engagement

ToothLens revolutionizes member engagement by offering a user-friendly benefits app, utilizing advanced AI for proactive dental checks. Members can seamlessly access the app, enhancing their dental care experience and maximizing the benefits of our innovative technology.


Instant Reporting

The instant reporting of ToothLens identification serves as a proactive tool, allowing members to promptly address potential dental issues. Whereas for insurance companies, this immediate insight enables timely interventions, prioritizing transparency that enhances customer experience.

Instant Reporting

The instant reporting of ToothLens identification serves as a proactive tool, allowing members to promptly address potential dental issues. Whereas for insurance companies, this immediate insight enables timely interventions, prioritizing transparency that enhances customer experience.

Significant Cost Savings

ToothLens leverages AI for early dental issue detection, conducting dynamic risk profiling and enabling strategic steering. It categorizes individuals by oral health status, guiding them to preventive care and specific providers. This minimizes unnecessary dental plan utilization, optimizing resource allocation and offering substantial cost savings for payers and members.

Significant Cost Savings
Maximizing Member-Insurer Connections

Maximizing Member-Insurer Connections

ToothLens Check offers insurers significant benefits, improving acquisition and retention strategies by facilitating precise member-insurer connections. Provides valuable insights into member preferences, enabling tailored offerings. Partnering with us unlocks access to a dynamic ecosystem and securing a leading position in the insurance sector.

Maximizing Member-Insurer Connections

ToothLens Check offers insurers significant benefits, improving acquisition and retention strategies by facilitating precise member-insurer connections. Provides valuable insights into member preferences, enabling tailored offerings. Partnering with us unlocks access to a dynamic ecosystem and securing a leading position in the insurance sector.

Maximizing Member-Insurer Connections

13.5% Reduction in payout due to early detection

4X increase of utilization in comparison to traditional video Teledentistry

Increase In customer retention due to better ROI from early detection


Increase in periodic dental check-ups

Trusted by enterprises worldwide



ToothLens can benefit Dental Insurance by offering a proactive approach to oral health. Through early detection and preventive care, ToothLens reduces the likelihood of expensive dental procedures, minimizing claim costs. Additionally, it enhances member engagement, leading to healthier outcomes and improved customer satisfaction.

No, ToothLens operates independently and does not interfere with standard claims processing. It enhances preventive care without impacting traditional insurance processes.

Discounted Dental Plans

ToothLens provides an innovative approach to oral health management, allowing Discount Dental Plans to offer proactive preventive care to their members. This not only enhances the value proposition of the plans but also contributes to overall member satisfaction.

Yes, ToothLens can contribute to selling more dental plans by enhancing the value proposition for potential members. The inclusion of Toothlens as a preventive and proactive oral
health solution can make the dental plan more attractive, showcasing a commitment to member well-being. The innovative use of technology and the focus on early detection and prevention align with the goals of discount dental plans, making them more appealing to a broader audience and potentially driving higher plan enrollments.

What our Customers say